Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Editor thy name is....


3 times I tried to post on the weekend and apparently it wasnt up to snuff! My editor would come shuffling over, sit on my lap and promptly hit the power button. Effectively wiping out my inadequate efforts.

It was a decent weekend, made so because I wasnt in Calgary bemoaning my renovating state and perspiring from wake-up to pass-out. Not that it didnt cross my mind... but it's easier to ignore when you're not staring at it.

Instead we started to unpack the boxes, find places for things, that sort of thing. We've only been in the SP residence for 3 months so I guess it's time to start to settle. Plus we got the whole christmas thing coming up.

The House? Well I will be going down this weekend and it looks like we may be hiring a mercenary to kill a few of the demons that have been possessing the place. (read 'Handyman'). Im nervous because we're batting 50-50 with the people we've hired. However the idea of having someone else take on some of the burden for a period of time is just too appealing right now. If he does a half decent job then thats a bonus.

Plus it's the season of spending and this year we're heading into debt full bore with nary a cautious pause!!

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