Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Feeding the addiction

Im beginning to realize that 'the most wonderful time of the year' is a nothing more than a month long 'sugar rush'. Goodies at work, goodies at home, it's really hard to get away from them. Did I mention that Im also an addict? If there's a nanaimo bar or box of chocolates sitting around I dont have the willpower, I really dont. I can resist for an hour or so, but eventually Im giving in. Resistance is futile..

All the good will , the happiness , the giving .... it can all be explained. I believe it started off innocent enough. In fact when it was a religious holiday it was the most sacred time of the year. Apparently, Christmas was hijacked by the manufacturers of sugar somewhere down the line.
Were people happier then? Without the sugar rush?

The icon of Christmas is a jolly fat dude. Obviously an addict himself, he breaks into millions of houses and eats cookies .... do the math... thats a lot of cookies.... Santa needs an intervention!
Oh sure, he gives gifts but where do the gifts come from? Child labor! You could make an argument that they're elves, but what's more realistic? That Santa has a workforce comprised of magical little people, or that he exploits children? I wouldnt be suprised to learn that he doesnt live in the North Pole but instead resides in Asia where they dont know about him (therefore he doesnt have to give them gifts). So here we have a sugar addict, exploiting children to feed his habit. Shameful... just shameful.

Oh the meanderings of a sugar addled mind like mine. The sad thing is Im probably not the first one to go down this route of thinking. It's easy to see how people could cross the line into conspiracy theories......

Conspiracy 101
Mad Cow disease? Tainted cows periodically planted by the American Beef Industry into Canada whenever their own sales are in the toilet. See? All you really have to do is see who benefits from any given situation and there you have your motive. You can fill in details until you have a story that explains things. Doesnt have to be true, doesnt have to be realistic, just add enough color and detail and voila!

Try it yourself! It's fun... especially when you're high on SUGAR!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an evil genius and you make me laugh.