Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The season of Giving

I started carrying around a voice recorder in order to capture some of the 'great' thoughts that I come up with and then forget. So far I have me swearing about how I hate insurance companies and banks.... probably not the most original thoughts in the world.

I think I am officially burnt out when it comes to The House. I travelled down on the weekend and puttered around with projects but couldnt really get into a groove. It makes me question whether or not the cost of driving down is worth what Im actually doing. Ah well, I have to work this weekend up here, so I wont be going down there. I figure it'll make a nice 'break'.

Last month, I said we wanted The House done by Dec 1 (pretty funny!), we figured it wouldnt be much longer. Now Im just hoping to get it done period. No deadlines, milestones, or what have you. Im just dragging my posterior the last 10 yards and hoping to make it.

On top of it all , it's the holiday season! The most wonderful time of the year!! (pretty positive eh?)

3 weeks before christmas and now I have to start getting serious about shopping (along with everyone else). Everyyear I embody the spirit of the typical male shopper and wait till the last minute to get my list done. I dont mean to, it's just the way it happens. I get bugged about it by my wife... but it's not like there's a time element to thoughtfullness is there? But they know dont they? It's certainly factored in when they know.

I wonder what the chart/system is that determines the true value of the gift.

Perhaps there is a scale (like in gymnastics) where different categories are rated:
Time is one factor (when it was bought)
Cost is another
Brand (aka Quality)
Longevity (how long the perceived 'value' lasts)

There is the base value of points just for getting a gift ...

Time Value - What is the perfect time amount? If they dont know, you get a 5 here. A 10 would be if the gift was bought in November. From there it's arbitrary. Your judge will score how he/she will.

Cost - This depends on who it is (and how much they really want something). There's a fine fine line between 'Oh honey you shouldnt have :)' and 'Oh honey, you reeally shouldnt have :( '

Functionality - in our house, anything that has to do with the house is not really a 'gift' unless the other person has expressly said that it would be. Example: a vacuum is a really functional gift but who wants to open it on christmas morning. Lululemon clothes however....

Attractiveness - again, subject to debate... I personally think a Microsoft Wireless Racing Wheel is a beautiful thing.

Brand - buying the alternative brands like 'Tomy Hilfagers' is not going to get you points. If you dont recognize the brand, it's probably for a reason.

Longevity - the science of 'trends'. Anyone with a 'tickle me elmo' doll? Anyone?

If you're lucky enough to have gotten it right and get some points to spend how you will. Just remember that when it comes right down to it, the points (though real) are only valid during the holidays and then when it's over, it's over so you need to 'spend' them when they're valid.

This is actually a huge topic of study and Im sure there are no 'right' answers. Someone will always have a counterpoint and that someone will usually be the person you thought would love that bowling ball.

My reality? Im pretty sure that no matter what I buy... there's a 75% chance it's going back to the store..... and thats even when I have a cheat sheet!


Anonymous said...

Brand and quality have little in common, especially when it comes to clothing. I mean a pair of Hilfiger jeans are functional. They are good looking jeans. I have a pair that I bought from the Mark's Work Wearhouse and they look as good as the day that I bought them a couple of years ago. All clothing wears out and I have a hard time spending $50 or more on a pair of jeans. Show me the quality difference between major or even no name brands.... It is just not there...

The Voice of Reason said...

In the context of gifts, 'Quality' is in the eye of the beholder (not referring to the eye tyrant types)

Kris said...

If I get a gift that wasn't bought at 4:59pm Christmas Eve I am happy...don't tell Big I said that...Hehe.
