So I give back the truck I've been renting for 3 months today....
My significant other has put her feelings on the matter down quite eloquently here. As for my feelings.. I feel like we're hemorraghing money right now. I want it to stop. Im lost in a maelstrom of spending where I cant tell up from down. This ... right before Christmas... the biggest spending frenzy of them all.
It's a weird feeling since I've dissassociated myself from the meaning of dollar amounts. Our credit line balance is huge.... HUGE! There's no equilibrium here! Used to be that I felt something when I spent $100. Now? Nothing! I know it's a bad thing though....
I still want things... lots of things... but the little white guy on one shoulder tells me to stop (in a wimpy fading voice). The little red pimped out dude with the gold teeth on my other shoulder however.... he's never had it better. Little bastard is dragging me down, but I cant (or dont want to) stop. I want the big screen TV, the second car, the new computer, etc. I dont want to wait, I have the credit, why not? 'Living in the now' is how we get into trouble.... but isnt it a fun way to go? I love stuff!!!!
I wonder how many people feel the same way.
The house has to get finished, I know this. I also know that until it is finished, it would be folly to splurge more (on the Babylonian niceities) without knowing the financial foundation upon which we stand. I can estimate our net worth, the money coming in, even the money going out (to an extent).
When the smoke clears (soon I hope), will we be in a good place?
1 comment:
I liked learning that your red shoulder guy is pimped out with gold teeth.
My red shoulder girl is always at the spa in a new Lululemon outfit.
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